Saturday, May 19, 2018

These 5 Things Will Make Your Skin Look Amazing… And Cost NOTHING!

Nancy Kumar
The beauty world is literally overflowing with products that claim they’re going to make your skin look younger, brighter, and spot free – you name a problem, and there will be a product solution. The only real dilemma is that buying all these products can cost a BOMB! But as it turns out, there are so many free, easy, and natural ways to boost your skin that your Mom has probably been telling you to do for years. So, if it seems like you spend your entire salary at Sephora – don’t worry guys, we know the feeling – try these alternatives first! 

Get some sleep

As we said, you really need to listen to your Mom’s advice and catch some zzz’s! Remember it’s called beauty sleep for a reason. It sounds so simple and so straightforward, but the truth is too many of us have such hectic lives it means that we don’t get the seven hours not just our soul, but our skin needs too. Sleep gives your skin time to internally rehydrate so that it can recover enough moisture before it exits your body – gross we know! When you’re tired your eyes look puffy, and this is due to the poor water balance, as your body just hasn’t had the time to retain the moisture it needs. Plus, the more sleep you get, the lower the level of cortisol you have in your body, which is the stress hormone that causes the skin to flare and age prematurely. Time to hit the pillow we think – you never know, Prince Charming may wake you up!
Tip: If you’re willing to invest, try a silk pillowslip, as it’s softer on your skin, reduces premature aging, and keeps your hair frizz free and smooth. Also, don’t forget to wash your pillowslips once a week to keep your skin clean and clear.

Take a dip

There’s no secret that the key to killer skin is staying hydrated and drinking a TON of water. But if you already drink the eight glasses the Doctor ordered, and wash your face religiously, then there’s still one more thing to try. The answer is seawater. Seawater can work wonders for your skin, as it naturally absorbs toxins in your body while declogging your pores, exfoliating, and promoting healing with its rich mineral content. So either do a little DIY with two tablespoons of salt in 500ml of water and use it as a toner for your face or get down to the beach. Check out all the deets on why seawater is awesome for your skin here.

Get some sunshine

We’re constantly being told the damaging effects of sunlight especially if you live in Dubai! But, there are new studies that say we need 10 minutes of unprotected sun exposure a day – CRAZY, we know – to absorb vitamin D in its best form. Vitamin D can actually play a role in preventing premature aging and damage to the skin’s structure. The vital thing is to keep an eye on your watch. Once the ten minutes are up, slap on the sun cream because too much will do the irreversible harm to your skin that everybody warned you about.

Destress and smile

We know this sounds kind of silly, but smiling can actually improve the quality of your skin! Smiling helps stimulate the capillaries in the face, which improves circulation and brings oxygen to your skin. The more you smile, the more you’ll naturally boost your serotonin levels – the feel-good hormone, reducing stress and wrinkles. So whatever makes you smile or giggle, make time for that, because everyone GENUINELY looks more beautiful when they smile. This post should help ðŸ˜‰

Thursday, May 17, 2018

How To Make Ubtan At Home For A Flawless Skin?

Nancy Kumar
How To Make Ubtan At Home For A Flawless Skin?

Our grandmothers had a treasure trove of gharelu nuskhe that have been revered for a long time now; majorly because these remedies worked well for curing various skin and health ailments. One of these remedies includes ubtan, an age-old face mask that is generally applied on brides and grooms to look perfect on their big day. This paste is made using turmericgram flour (besan)sandalwood powder (chandan)rosewater and milk. It is believed to provide a flawless skin and glowing complexion. Owing to the natural ingredients used in the ubtan, we suggest you make it a permanent addition to your beauty regimen.

Benefits Of Applying Ubtan
Using ubtan on your skin regularly has a lot of benefits to offer. The best part is that it does not burn a hole in your pocket, and gives your skin a gleaming glow in a natural way. Here are some benefits of ubtan that will help you know how effective this beauty pack is.
face pack

1. Ubtan Helps Get Rid Of Tan

All the ingredients used in ubtan have coolant properties that help relieve your skin from excess heat and tan. They remove dead skin and help get a soft and supple skin.

2. It Helps Clear The Skin

The anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties in ubtan inhibit the growth of bacteria, further keeping the skin off acne, spots and pimples.

3. Reduces Facial Hair

Ubtan is said to weaken the hair from the root and reduce its growth. Make sure you apply ubtan in circular motions to ensure reduced facial hair growth.

4. May Help Delay Ageing Spots

Certain compounds in turmeric and sandalwood powder help delay wrinkles and fine lines along with spots that may make you look a lot older than your age.
sandalwood paste

How To Make Ubtan?
  • Gram flour (besan)
  • Turmeric (haldi)
  • Sandalwood powder (chandan)
  • Rosewater
  • Milk

All you need to do is to mix all the ingredients in a bowl and form a paste in thick consistency. You can adjust the quantity based on the area you wish to cover - face, neck or whole body. Apply it all over and let it dry before washing it off with lukewarm water. Use this paste at least twice a week to see effective results.

3 Grape Face Masks For Wrinkle-Free Skin

Nancy Kumar
3 Grape Face Masks For Wrinkle-Free Skin

  • Grapes are loaded with skin-benefiting properties
  • They are a rich source of antioxidants and minerals
  • Grape face masks can be easily prepared at home
Almost all of us wish to have a soft, glowing and radiant skin; however, with increasing temperature and pollution, it is getting nearly impossible to achieve the same. Other than these external factors, one cannot deny the fact that our skin tends to go through natural changes as well. As we age, our skin begins to lose its elasticity and moisture. However, in some cases, the signs of ageing like dark spots and wrinkles start to occur at an early stage. Few dietary changes can come to great help to prevent these early signs of ageingGrapes, in particular, could prove to be beneficial for our skin and the credit goes to resveratrol that are found in good number in grapes. Resveratrol is usually found in grape skin and seeds. If you wish to have a wrinkle-free skin, then application of grape pulp on your skin may do wonders. Here's a list of 3 grape face masks that will give you a supple and wrinkle-free skin. Read on to know more about them.

1. For Dull And Dry Skin

Strawberry And Grape Face Mask

If you have a dull and dry skin, then this face mask is apt for you. It is made using two antioxidant-rich fruits that are loaded with skin-benefiting properties - grape and strawberry. Take few strawberries and cut them into bite-sized pieces. Add it in a bowl along with few grapes. Mash both the ingredients till a pulpy mixture is attained. Now, with a help of a cosmetic brush, apply the blended mask on your face and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Once it is done, rinse off with cold water.

2. For Oily Skin

Grape And Fuller's Earth Face Mask

This one's for oily skin type. All you need is few black grape and Fuller's earth (multani mitti). The very first step is to blend the grapes into a smooth paste. Transfer the paste in a bowl and add one teaspoon of multani mitti, 1 teaspoon of rose water and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice in it. Mix all the ingredients and apply the mask on your face. Allow it to sit for 10-12 minutes and then rinse off with lukewarm water. You can repeat this procedure thrice a week for visible results.
black grapes

3. For Normal Skin

Tomato And Grape Face Mask

This face mask is a powerful combination of tomato and grapes that have the potential to fight wrinkles, fine lines and age spots. All you need is a small-sized tomato and about 8-10 grapes. Blend the two ingredients in a blender till a semi-thick mixture in attained. Now, with a help of a cosmetic brush apply the paste on your face. If you have under eye dark circles and sun spots, then apply a thick layer of the paste on them. Leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse off with cold water.

Here's How Tea Bags Can Do Wonders To You!

Nancy Kumar
Here's How Tea Bags Can Do Wonders To You!

  • Tea always come to our rescue to conquer all our tiredness
  • Tea bags can play a major role in other things too
  • Tea bag can aid in fertilising your plant
Our love for tea cannot be described in words. It is the drink that always come to our rescue to conquer all our tiredness and rejuvenate us. Apart from knowing the health benefits of tea bags, did you know that tea bags can play a major role in other things too?! Here are some of the untold benefits of tea bags you'd definitely want to look for

1. Prevents Rusting: Do you know that apart from doing wonders to your skin and body, tea bags can do wonders to your kitchen utensils. It is an easy solution to rust-free your utensil. Tea bags has tannins in it, which acts as an oxidant, and thus, prevents rusting. Take two wet tea bags and make sure to rub them properly on every possible area of the utensil.

2. Aid Plants: Plant lovers would love to know that your regular tea bag can aid in fertilising your plant in more better way. If you find any type of early decomposition, then start adding tea bags to your plant. It will create acid creating bacteria, and hence, it will obstruct the decomposition and provides your plant with acid rich compost.

3. Cures Bleeding Gums: Because of the presence of tannins in tea bags, it will tighten the blood vessels, which will prevent the bleeding, and shall help you to lessen the swollen. Just use the tea bag on the affected area and leave it for 10 minutes. You will see the changes later.
bleeding gums

4. Cures Feet Odour: We really wouldn't want any type of feet odour. Here we have got these amazing tea bags to your rescue. Make your feet smell pleasant by following these simple steps. Soak your feet in your bath tub for 20-25 minutes every day. Add 3 tablespoon of black tea to it. The tannins present in the tea will conquer the bacteria causing bad odour.
feet 620

5. Cures Sunburn: Since summers season's coming up, sunburn can affect our skin. One of the most effective ingredients in order to cure sunburns are tea bags. Apply wet tea bags to the affected ares and leave it for 15 minutes, then wash it with cold water. Do it everyday to avoid sunburns.

5 Foods That Help Get Rid Of Dark Circles

Nancy Kumar

5 Foods That Help Get Rid Of Dark Circles
  • Dark circles take time to cure and require great discipline
  • Maintaining a better lifestyle and consuming vitamin-rich food may help
  • Foods that may help you to get rid of your dark circles
Under eye skin is one the most delicate parts of our body. Consuming alcohol, lack of sleep, ageing, caffeine and lack of proper intake of water can result in dark circles around our eyes. Sometimes dark circles are so stubborn that we end up trying all the possible remedies in attempts to get rid of them but no happy results. What we usually don't think of is that maintaining a better lifestyle and consuming vitamin-rich food may help us in getting rid of these dark circles. We need to be more conscious about the intake of our food. Consuming foods that are rich in vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin E may help in reducing your dark circles. Drinking at least 2 litres of water every day and taking eight hours of sleep daily can fix the problem. Hydrating foods, mineral-rich foods and the foods that have circulation-boosting antioxidants are a plus.

Having said that, we have rounded up a list of foods that may help you to get rid of your dark circles:

Cucumber is a classic beauty food that has a high-water content, which hydrates our body and helps to fight against dark circles. It contains collagen-boosting silica, skin-strengthening sulphur along with vitamins A, C, E, and K, which increase the elasticity of blood vessels and helps remove the dark circles.
cucumber 625

Watermelon has a high-water content, almost 92%, which helps to balance the water ratio in our body. It also contains beta carotene, lycopene, fibre, vitamin B1 and B6, vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium that support our eye health.

Tomato consists of powerful antioxidants that help in protecting the delicate blood vessels under our eyes and further encourages better blood circulation. Tomatoes are also rich in lycopene, lutein, beta carotene, quercetin, and vitamin C that are known for maintaining healthy skin regime.

Sesame is regarded as a 'magic food', and you ask why? It is rich in vitamin E that helps to ease the formation of dark circles. It is known to eliminate the dark circles by nourishing the eyes and the ocular.
sesame seeds

Black Currant
Black currant is known to improve our blood circulation, especially to the optical nerve of our eyes. It contains anthocyanins that supply more oxygen to the tissues, further helping to reduce dark circles under the eyes.
dark circle food

Tomatoes For Skin Care: Here's How You Can Use Tomatoes For Soft And Supple Skin

Nancy Kumar
Tomatoes For Skin Care: Here's How You Can Use Tomatoes For Soft And Supple Skin

  • Tomatoes can help you get a clear and clean skin
  • Tomatoes transforms the dullest of skins and restores glow to the skin
  • Tomatoes contain high contents of potassium and vitamin C
When it comes to skin care, tomatoes are one of my favourite and most effective remedies for a clear and clean skin. Not only are these humble robust red balls full of nutrients but also highly effective in healing and clarifying the skin.

Slightly acidic in nature, tomatoes contain high contents of potassium and vitamin C; this transforms the dullest of skins and restores glow to the skin. Tomatoes also have lycopene, which is an antioxidant that helps fight free radicals in the body. Apart from this, it helps treat skin problems related to ageing and sun damage therefore making it a great skin rejuvenator. Due to their astringent properties, tomatoes help reduce excess sebum on the skin's surface preventing oil build up, which further reduces the chances of blackheads and whiteheads. Since they have pore-shrinking properties and help tighten the skin, chances of acne and pimples are also greatly reduced. This makes tomato a versatile and popular ingredient for problematic skin conditions.

tomatoes can insomnia

Here are some wonderful tomato-based recipes that could be used to treat skin and so effectively!

Reduces Oiliness-Not only are tomatoes excellent to reduce oiliness, they also help keep the skin cleaner and tighter. Rub raw tomatoes all over the skin and leave on for five minutes before you wash off.
oily skin care routine

Reduces Open Pores-Tomatoes help reduce open pores and blackheads .Just cut a tomato in half and rub all over the skin, letting the juice saturate into the pores. Leave on for 15 minutes and wash off

Acts As A Skin Lightener- Not only do tomatoes act as an astringent but also help wake up the dullest of skins. Mix the pulp of one tomato with 2 tsps. of fuller's earth and add 1 tsp. fresh mint paste. Apply to clean skin until it is dry and watch the magic. Not only will your skin be lighter but will also feel refreshed and taut.

Detan With Tomatoes-Tomatoes are great for reducing summer tanning. Mash a tomato and mix its pulp with a tsp. of honey and massage on the skin. Not only will this help reduce tan but also naturally reduce dryness caused by the strong UV rays of the sun. Leave this on for a minimum of 15 minutes before washing off with cold water.

Tomato Skin Toner- When it comes to skin care, most people do not realise the importance of a toner. Believe me, it is more than essential. Not only does it keep your skin supple and soft but also naturally hydrates it giving it a natural sheen. Take the juice of 1 cucumber and 1 tomato and strain well into an air-tight spray bottle. Spritz this tomato toner on your skin whenever you are coming from outdoors and let it soak up the natural lycopenes present in the vegetable that make your skin youthful in minutes. This toner can be kept in the fridge for upto four days without going bad.
use essential oils for skin

Here's How You Can Detan Naturally Using Mango Pulp

Here's How You Can Detan Naturally Using Mango Pulp

  • Mango packs a host of health benefiting properties
  • Mango can be used on the face as well in the form of face packs
  • This summer fruit can be used to get rid of even the most stubborn tan
Summers are here in full swing and so is the need to binge on summer fruit like mango. Mango is not only delicious but also packs a host of health benefiting properties. It can do wonders for your overall health, provided it's consumed in moderation. Other than its consumption, mango can be used on the face as well in the form of face packs. Mango pulp when applied onto the skin can treat a host of skin problems, one of which being tanned skin. With summer comes tanned skin. A lot of us look out for various beauty treatments to get rid of that summer tan. However, not many know that the same condition can be treated using natural stuff like mango. This humble summer fruit can be used to get rid of even the most stubborn tan. In order to get rid of that tanned skin, here are a few mango face packs that can come to great help. Read on to know how they can be applied.

1. Mango Pulp Face Pack
Having an uneven skin complexion could be a nightmare for many. In order to get rid of the same, mango pulp can prove to be quite beneficial. Mango has exfoliating properties that can help in keeping the skin well hydrated. Just extract mango pulp and rub it over your face for around 2-3 minutes. Allow it to stay for 5 minutes and rinse off with cold water. Doing so will help you bring back the glow back after a tan, further improving your skin complexion. Repeat the procedure thrice a week to see effective results.
mango pulp

2. Mango And Besan Face Pack
This particular face pack can effectively keep tanned skin at bay. To make this face pack, you need to have pulp of ripe mango, two teaspoons of besan, 1/2 teaspoon of honey and few ground almonds. Take a bowl and add mango pulp in it. Then add Bengal gram flour (besan), almonds and honey into the pulp. Mix the ingredients properly to get a smooth paste-like consistency. Gently rub over the face and allow it to stay for around 10-12 minutes. Once it is done, rinse off with water. Use this face pack twice and watch out for results.
mango puree

3. Mango And Curd Face Pack
If you happen to have an oily skin, then this face pack is just apt for you. Apart from the goodness of mangoes, this face pack has curd and honey as well. These ingredients are readily available in the kitchen and can help you fight with pigmentation and tanning in one go. Extract pulp from a ripe mango and add 1 tablespoon of curd and 1 teaspoons of honey in it. Mix the ingredients well. However, make sure that the face pack is of thick consistency. Apply this pack on your face and wash it off after 10 minutes.
curd face pack

So, what are you waiting for? Make the most of this refreshing and healthy summer fruit by making the above mentioned face packs and say bye-bye to tanned skin.

Beauty Benefits Of Baking Soda you Must Know!

Nancy Kumar,
20 Beauty Benefits Of Baking Soda
Everyone knows that baking soda can be used for a hundred different things. Be it to keep your kitchen odor-free, do some heavy-duty cleaning, or just to bake; it’s the one ingredient that’s always got your back. But did you know that baking soda can also be used for things apart from cooking and cleaning? If you didn’t, you’re going to get stockpiles of it after you read these 20 beauty benefits of baking soda.

Beauty Benefits Of Baking Soda

Baking soda is incredibly versatile and can be used to treat a lot of different issues. Following is a list of the 20 different beneficial ways in which you can use baking soda.
Note: Please ensure that you are using baking soda and not baking powder for the following remedies to be effect.

1. Baking Soda For Acne

Beauty Benefits Of Baking Soda - Baking Soda For Acne

You Will Need

  • 1 tsp Baking Soda
  • 1 tsp Water

Prep Time

2 minutes

Treatment Time

3 minutes


  1. Mix the baking soda and the water until you get a smooth paste.
  2. Wash your hands and your face and pat them dry with a clean towel.
  3. Massage the paste onto your nose and other areas affected by pimples, blackheads, or whiteheads.
  4. Leave it on for about 2-3 minutes and rinse off the paste with warm water.
  5. Rinse your face for a second time with cool water and pat dry with a clean towel.
  6. Finish by using a non-comedogenic moisturizer as baking soda can be quite drying on your face.
  7. How Often?

    2-3 days at a stretch and then twice a week.

    Why This Works

    Baking soda is an excellent remedy for pimples, blackheads, and acne. It is a mild exfoliant that helps remove dead skin and cleans your pores. It does this while helping dry out and heal existing acne. Baking soda also has antibacterial properties which prevent breakouts.

2. Baking Soda For Blemishes

Beauty Benefits Of Baking Soda - Baking Soda For Blemishes

You Will Need

  • 1 tsp Baking Soda
  • 1 tsp Lemon Juice

Prep Time

2 minutes.

Treatment Time

3 minutes


  1. Mix the baking soda and the lemon juice until you get a smooth paste.
  2. Wash your hands and your face.
  3. Using a towel, pat away the excess moisture from your face, leaving it slightly damp.
  4. Massage the paste onto the areas affected by acne marks, dark spots, and pigmentation.
  5. Leave it on for about 1-2 minutes and rinse off the paste with warm water.
  6. Rinse your face for a second time with cool water and pat dry with a clean towel.
  7. Finish by using a non-comedogenic moisturizer as baking soda can be quite drying on your face.

How Often?

    2-3 times a week.

Why This Works

    Baking soda and lemon juice have bleaching properties that help lighten and fade scars. It also helps you achieve an even skin tone by getting rid of dead skin cells.

3. Baking Soda For Large Pores

Beauty Benefits Of Baking Soda - Baking Soda For Large Pores

You Will Need

1 tbsp Baking Soda
1 cup Water

Prep Time

2 minutes

Treatment Time

2 minutes


  1. In a jug, dilute the baking soda with a cup of water and set the mixture aside.
  2. Wash your face as your normally would with your regular cleanser.
  3. Splash the baking soda onto your face and then pat dry.
  4. Proceed to moisturize your face with a non-comedogenic product.
  5. Why This Works

    Baking soda is an astringent that helps clean out your pores while shrinking them. This treatment also prevents acne by keeping your pores clean and sealed.

8 Hair Myths That Prevent Us From Growing Long and Healthy Hair

Nancy Kumar,
8 Hair Myths That Prevent Us From Growing Long and Healthy Hair
We’re all familiar with the phrase “A woman’s hair is her crowning glory”. Yet, I do believe, as dramatic as that may sound, hair is so much more. A woman’s hair is her identity. Unlike the rest of our inherited looks that we’ve finally reconciled to with time, emo-themed journal entries, and (way too many) coming-of-age female dramas, hair is always our choice. The color, cut, and coiffure is our declaration to the world of who we perceive ourselves to be.
Case in point: bad hair days equal bad days. It’s as if the universe just hit us way below the belt and made things personal. Hair that’s too dry, too fine, too frizzy or – gasp! – falling out can really test a woman’s self-esteem. Which is why women tread the dangerous waters of haircare so very carefully; sometimes at the price of their very hairdo dreams.
If you’ve been denying yourself a long, luscious mane simply out of the fear of upkeep troubles, here’s a newsflash – you don’t have to. Alternatively, if you’ve been endeavoring to grow out those locks but have been falling prey to old wives’ tales, then it’s time for some enlightenment. Read on to discover eight tragically popular long hair myths that we’ve finally debunked!

1. Loosing Too Many Hairs Always Means Balding

1. Loosing Too Many Hair Always Means Balding
Each day we shed close to 150-200 hairs from our scalp. But during two specific times of the year, usually through spring and fall, our hair falls even more often than normal – which shouldn’t alarm you at all. This is when our hair goes through a hair follicle resting phase, known as ‘telogen’. During this stage, hair stops growing, which is why you see so much hair fall. This is usually followed by the ‘anagen’ stage, where new hair begin to replace the emptied hair follicles.
See? No harm, no foul.

2. Shampoo & Conditioner Must Be Applied To The Entire Hair Length

2. Shampoo & Conditioner Must Be Applied To The Entire Hair Length
Wrong! As a matter of fact, shampoo is meant to solely cleanse your scalp and not your hair. While showering, only apply it to the roots as the leftover foam is sufficient enough to rinse the rest of your hair.
Additionally, it’s vice versa for your conditioner – only condition your hair length and skip the roots! The scalp is naturally healthy and tends to get oily much quickly. Hence, a moisturizing conditioner will only make your roots greasy and lank.

3. Blow Drying Ruins Your Hair

3. Blow Drying Ruins Your Hair

This is only true if you decide to tackle your tresses without any styling products. Heat protection sprays and serums can protect one’s hair from any thermal damage wreaked by hair dryers, straighteners, and curlers. Hence, as long as you’re safe there’s no need to feel guilty (no pun intended).

4. The More You Chop Those Tresses, The Faster They Grow

4. The More You Chop Those Tresses, The Faster They Grow

False! Hair grows from your roots and not from the ends, which makes this entire argument redundant. Furthermore, in case you still harbored some doubts, shaving your entire head won’t have an impact upon your hair density either. Hair follicle concentration is up to genetics, my friend.

5. Keratin Straightening Is Good For The Hair

5. Keratin Straightening Is Good For The Hair
Well, it’s not. Granted the formula used in keratin treatments has improved in the past few years. However, though they’ve upgraded from formaldehyde (which, fun fact, is also used in autopsies!) to the same composition used in chemical waving – the new formula still destroys the protein and structure of our hair.
Hence, if you’d like to put the care in haircare, it’s best if you just skip this beauty treatment

6. Certain Products Can Accelerate Hair Growth

6. Certain Products Can Accelerate Hair Growth

That’s just a well-publicized lie sold to us by the greedy cosmetic industry. Even the most potent of hormonal treatments can’t coerce cells to divide at a faster pace, which is why your shampoo is a liar. Hair growth speed depends upon genetics and usually happens to be around 1 cm/ month.

7. Persistent Wearing Of Buns & Ponytails Leads To Hair Loss

7. Persistent Wearing Of Buns & Ponytails Leads To Hair Loss

This is only true if you happen to wear your ponytails painfully tight. Otherwise, this particular hairdo doesn’t damage hair by itself. So, if you happen to dislike pain, you’re good!
If not, well, there’s always therapy for that.
And I’m not talking the hair kind.

8. Dandruff Is Contagious

8. Dandruff Is Contagious
Not true. Dandruff is a product of overactive sebaceous glands, on account of which an extra layer of exfoliated skin spontaneously appears. Which is why one can’t get ‘infected’ with dandruff by borrowing another’s comb or beanie – it’s just flakes of skin! Nevertheless, this isn’t a green light for you to forego all rules of personal hygiene. Keep your comb to yourself, sister.
So, there you have it – eight hair myths that you don’t have to abide by anymore. Now go ahead and express yourself through your mane without any qualms or fear.
Stay gorgeous!

These 5 Things Will Make Your Skin Look Amazing… And Cost NOTHING! Nancy Kumar The beauty world is literally overflowing with produc...