Thursday, May 17, 2018

8 Hair Myths That Prevent Us From Growing Long and Healthy Hair

Nancy Kumar,
8 Hair Myths That Prevent Us From Growing Long and Healthy Hair
We’re all familiar with the phrase “A woman’s hair is her crowning glory”. Yet, I do believe, as dramatic as that may sound, hair is so much more. A woman’s hair is her identity. Unlike the rest of our inherited looks that we’ve finally reconciled to with time, emo-themed journal entries, and (way too many) coming-of-age female dramas, hair is always our choice. The color, cut, and coiffure is our declaration to the world of who we perceive ourselves to be.
Case in point: bad hair days equal bad days. It’s as if the universe just hit us way below the belt and made things personal. Hair that’s too dry, too fine, too frizzy or – gasp! – falling out can really test a woman’s self-esteem. Which is why women tread the dangerous waters of haircare so very carefully; sometimes at the price of their very hairdo dreams.
If you’ve been denying yourself a long, luscious mane simply out of the fear of upkeep troubles, here’s a newsflash – you don’t have to. Alternatively, if you’ve been endeavoring to grow out those locks but have been falling prey to old wives’ tales, then it’s time for some enlightenment. Read on to discover eight tragically popular long hair myths that we’ve finally debunked!

1. Loosing Too Many Hairs Always Means Balding

1. Loosing Too Many Hair Always Means Balding
Each day we shed close to 150-200 hairs from our scalp. But during two specific times of the year, usually through spring and fall, our hair falls even more often than normal – which shouldn’t alarm you at all. This is when our hair goes through a hair follicle resting phase, known as ‘telogen’. During this stage, hair stops growing, which is why you see so much hair fall. This is usually followed by the ‘anagen’ stage, where new hair begin to replace the emptied hair follicles.
See? No harm, no foul.

2. Shampoo & Conditioner Must Be Applied To The Entire Hair Length

2. Shampoo & Conditioner Must Be Applied To The Entire Hair Length
Wrong! As a matter of fact, shampoo is meant to solely cleanse your scalp and not your hair. While showering, only apply it to the roots as the leftover foam is sufficient enough to rinse the rest of your hair.
Additionally, it’s vice versa for your conditioner – only condition your hair length and skip the roots! The scalp is naturally healthy and tends to get oily much quickly. Hence, a moisturizing conditioner will only make your roots greasy and lank.

3. Blow Drying Ruins Your Hair

3. Blow Drying Ruins Your Hair

This is only true if you decide to tackle your tresses without any styling products. Heat protection sprays and serums can protect one’s hair from any thermal damage wreaked by hair dryers, straighteners, and curlers. Hence, as long as you’re safe there’s no need to feel guilty (no pun intended).

4. The More You Chop Those Tresses, The Faster They Grow

4. The More You Chop Those Tresses, The Faster They Grow

False! Hair grows from your roots and not from the ends, which makes this entire argument redundant. Furthermore, in case you still harbored some doubts, shaving your entire head won’t have an impact upon your hair density either. Hair follicle concentration is up to genetics, my friend.

5. Keratin Straightening Is Good For The Hair

5. Keratin Straightening Is Good For The Hair
Well, it’s not. Granted the formula used in keratin treatments has improved in the past few years. However, though they’ve upgraded from formaldehyde (which, fun fact, is also used in autopsies!) to the same composition used in chemical waving – the new formula still destroys the protein and structure of our hair.
Hence, if you’d like to put the care in haircare, it’s best if you just skip this beauty treatment

6. Certain Products Can Accelerate Hair Growth

6. Certain Products Can Accelerate Hair Growth

That’s just a well-publicized lie sold to us by the greedy cosmetic industry. Even the most potent of hormonal treatments can’t coerce cells to divide at a faster pace, which is why your shampoo is a liar. Hair growth speed depends upon genetics and usually happens to be around 1 cm/ month.

7. Persistent Wearing Of Buns & Ponytails Leads To Hair Loss

7. Persistent Wearing Of Buns & Ponytails Leads To Hair Loss

This is only true if you happen to wear your ponytails painfully tight. Otherwise, this particular hairdo doesn’t damage hair by itself. So, if you happen to dislike pain, you’re good!
If not, well, there’s always therapy for that.
And I’m not talking the hair kind.

8. Dandruff Is Contagious

8. Dandruff Is Contagious
Not true. Dandruff is a product of overactive sebaceous glands, on account of which an extra layer of exfoliated skin spontaneously appears. Which is why one can’t get ‘infected’ with dandruff by borrowing another’s comb or beanie – it’s just flakes of skin! Nevertheless, this isn’t a green light for you to forego all rules of personal hygiene. Keep your comb to yourself, sister.
So, there you have it – eight hair myths that you don’t have to abide by anymore. Now go ahead and express yourself through your mane without any qualms or fear.
Stay gorgeous!

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